Friday, March 8, 2013

Kiss Me Better. Or Kiss Me to Take the Better Away.

Always. Never. What?
Please choose. I ask you to decide. Take it and make it warm. Or leave it and watch it die. Coldly.
We never want to take risks. But this is different. I know that I've kissed you better. But I know that I've kissed the better away too. I never choose the right one.
Have you ever noticed my hands? Because I've noticed yours. And I want them to take me and hold me. Or maybe I want them to die. To be gone. And leave me alone.
Have you ever noticed my shoulders? Because I've noticed yours. And again. I push them. Down to the ground I push them. And I ask myself, I want this to live? In your warm smile and sparkling eyes.
Nah. Leave. Die. Kiss me to take the better away. Leave the worse. Because in the end, The worse is better.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever noticed my hands? Because I've noticed yours. And I want them to take me and hold me. #stolen #lovethis
